Authenticity guaranteed
All items at Hype Stew Sneakers go through an extensive authentication process by our sneaker experts. Our goal is to be your trusted source for authentic new and used shoes and streetwear. With over 7,000 sales (Including over 5,500 on eBay) you can shop with confidence that you are shopping with a reputable source.
The first thing we look at is the packaging and tagging of the product. This includes a check of the material, the product stickers and tags, packaging paper and shoe trees if available. Next is a check of the materials of the shoe, including the cut of the leather, the consistency of the fabric, the insole, the imprints, the laces, the sole material and any other variable of the sneaker. Lastly is a quality control check, this is where we authenticate that the sneaker has the correct stitching beneath the insole and throughout the shoe, correct glue patterns, appropriate spacing and consistent levels of authenticity. For more tips on authenticating sneakers on your own, feel free to check out our legit check pages below!
After the Sneaker has been verified the shoes are disinfected, cleaned and photographed. This means that the shoe you see is the exact item you will receive upon purchase. Each shoe is photographed individually, even the new sneakers. Hype Stew Sneakers does not use stock photos, all sneaker photographs are taken in house.
Every item on Hype Stew is 100% authentic with a money back guarantee. If you have even the slightest concern I can assure you we will do everything we can to rectify it. In this industry reputation is everything and ours is well earned. Check out or Legit Check blog and eBay detailed seller reviews below!