Adidas Top Ten High White And Pink S84596 Size 11.5
Elevate your sneaker game with these stylish Adidas Top Ten High sneakers in white and pink. Made for men with a US shoe size of 11.5, these athletic shoes feature a high-top shoe shaft style for added support and a comfortable fit. The classic Adidas design is showcased through the product line and model, while the style code, S84596, adds a unique touch.
These pre-owned sneakers are perfect for any casual occasion, from a day out with friends to a quick trip to the store. The white and pink color combination adds a pop of color to any outfit, while the brand's reputation for quality ensures a durable and long-lasting shoe. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add these Adidas Top Ten High sneakers to your collection.
These sneakers are still in great shape, they are a bit dirty but they can be cleaned up easily. They are a bit creased as well and they do not come with a box.
These pre-owned sneakers are perfect for any casual occasion, from a day out with friends to a quick trip to the store. The white and pink color combination adds a pop of color to any outfit, while the brand's reputation for quality ensures a durable and long-lasting shoe. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add these Adidas Top Ten High sneakers to your collection.
These sneakers are still in great shape, they are a bit dirty but they can be cleaned up easily. They are a bit creased as well and they do not come with a box.